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Annotated Agenda

City Council Meeting Agendas with Notes

Annotated Agenda for July 19, 2021

In the Monday night Council Meeting, the Council will consider a 5% tax abatement for the 2119 College Street Project (Item #4), approval of a contract to design the Main Street reconstruction (Item #20), and several sidewalk infill projects, permeable alley projects, and Public Works equipment acquisitions.  The remainder of the agenda is largely administrative in nature. 

Annotated Agenda for 7/6/2021

This Tuesday night's council meeting has largely administrative items.  Of particular interest is this year's Annual Action Plan for CDBG and HOME Consortium funding, which ties directly to affordable housing, transportation, and other city projects that benefit low-income residents (Item #3). 

Annotated Agenda for 6/7/2021

Monday night's regular 7pm council meeting does not appear to me to contain controversial or hot-button items (though you're welcome to disagree).   At 5:10, the council will meet in a work session to go over some details of the proposed Downtown Zoning Ordinances, and at 6:10, the Council will meet in Committee of the Whole to deliberate on the Downtown & College Hill paid parking moritorium's expiration on August 1st.  The goal at the meeting will be to reach a consensus on the way forward -- to return to paid parking as is already described in the city code, or to make modifi

Annotated Agenda for 5/3/2021

Monday night's Council Meeting at 7pm will be busy! The major items are FY2021 Budget Amendments (Item #9), the third reading of the proposed mayor/administrator ordinance changes (Item #10), a change in Admin Policy #7 to move the Council Packet publishing to several days earlier (Item #20), consideration to apply for state funding for the Greenhill and South Main Intersection with a notional roundabout (Item #28), consideration of approval of the Cedar Heights Drive Reconstruction Project (which includes new roundabouts at Greenhill and Huntington Drive) (Item #30), and considerat

Annotated Agenda for 4/5/2021

Happy Easter!  This packet took a little longer than usual to post due to the holiday -- I hope you all were able to enjoy the warm temps and sunshine this gorgeous weekend.   In the Monday Night council meeting, two noteworthy items are a resolution to extend the Cedar Falls Mask Requirement Resolution to May 19th (Item #8) and the first of three readings of updates to the Mayor/Administrator ordinances to better reflect how these two roles function (Item #34).

Annotated Agenda for 3/15/21

Monday (3/15) at 7pm (in person), the Council will be discussing in its regular meeting a two-year agreement with Sturgis Falls Celebration, Inc. (Item #5) as well as a number of fairly routine approvals.  It appears to be a fairly non-controversial Regular Meeting, from my perspective.

Prior to our Regular Meeting, the City Council will meet at 5:10 for two presentations, scheduled for 50 minutes each.  Both are important discussions:

Annotated Agenda for 3/1/2021

Monday night's council meeting includes a variety of items for consideration, including a Public Hearing on proposed changes to the zoning ordinance (Item #5), the third and final reading of the 'backyard poultry' ordinances (Items #6, 7, and 8), the disposition of two Public Events Permits for events during Sturgis Falls Weekend in June (Items #10 and 11), an extension of the moratorium of paid parking downtown (Item #22), a site plan for a new downtown restaurant (Item #26), and consideration of a plan to increase the number of bedrooms in a property in the College Hill Overlay Di

Annotated Agenda for 2/15/2021

In our 7pm meeting, the major items on the agenda are consideration of the city's FY22 Budget of $102M for approval (Item #2), the second reading of the backyard pultryordinances (Items #5, #6, and #7),  the  FY22 City Council Goals (Item #9), and a proposed resolution for approval of a Sturgis Falls Celebration contract and other events for that weekend (Item #23).


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