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Annotated Agenda

City Council Meeting Agendas with Notes

Annotated Agenda for 1/18/2022

While the council meeting agenda list is pretty short (only 18 items), the topics are pretty weighty!   First up, at 7pm,  is the public hearing for the five-year, $358M Capital Improvement Program (Item #3).  We'll also have a public hearing for the Main Street Reconstruction Project (Item #5), and council will consider a temporary moratorium on construction downtown (Item #12).  And then the City Council will consider the Sturgis Falls Celebration Contract (Item #15).  

Annotated Agenda for 1/3/2022

The first regular Council Meeting of the new term (at 7pm) contains mostly administrative/routine items; of note, councilors will consider the preliminary plat for the West Viking Road Industrial Park (Item 18).   This is the first stage of arranging for the necessary roadway, water, sewer, and other infrastructure for that large area of land. 

Annotated Agenda for 12/20/2021

Tonight's regular City Council meeting at  7pm will include consideration of a proposed new Ward Map based on the results of the 2020 census (item #2).  The council will also vote on the proposed contract with Petersen Contractors for the $3.34M Greenhill & South Main Intersection Improvement Project (Item #23). 

Previous to this meeting, a reception will be held beginning at 4:30 in the City Hall lobby to honor outgoing council members Frank Darrah and Mark Miller, and to thank them for their public service.

Annotated Agenda for 11/15/2021

Notable in Monday night's regular council meeting is the approval of the plans for a $3.3M reconstruction of the Greenhill Road and South Main intersection as a roundabout (Item #11) and also the condemnation hearings for four residences in the city. It's also a night for finance, with several funds transfers up for council approval.

Annotated Agenda for 11/1/2021

Happy Halloween!  Monday night's council meeting will feature the third reading of the proposed downtown zoning ordinance changes (Items #5 and #6).  I support these changes, as an important and necessary next step in long-term planning for our amazing downtown.  Yes, the code will need continual adjustments, but we have to start somewhere and this plan has been in development for more than two years.  I'm glad the council is being proactive to seek a public-private parking structure solution to relieve actual and perceived parking pressures. 

Annotated Agenda for 10/18/2021

Monday night's city council meeting has several major items.  We'll be discussing the proposed $4.5M City Hall Remodel (Item #4).   Council will also deliberate and have the second of three votes on the new Downtown Zoning Ordinance and Downtown Character District (Items 8 & 9).  In Item #19, the Council will vote on the resolution to reestablished the special self-imposed tax on downtown properties (aka SSMID).  

Annotated Agenda for 10/4/2021

On Monday night, the biggest topic is likely not the regular City Council meeting at 7pm, but in Committee of the Whole at 5:50.  In that committee meeting, the Council will learn more about -- and discuss -- the private parking requirements contained in the proposed Downtown zoning ordinance.    You can see the slides for this meeting by clicking the packet icon for Committee of the Whole at  

Annotated Agenda for 9/20/2021

Monday night's 7pm City Council meeting will feature the second of three required readings of the new Downtown Character District Zoning Ordinance and Map (Items 6 &7).  We'll also have a public hearing on the Cedar River Recreation Project's cost estimate and associated documents (Item 5).  Also, the Council will have an Executive Session (Item 19) to learn about the city's cybersecurity efforts and assessment of future needs and costs to ensure municipal network and data security. 

Annotated Agenda for 9/7/2021

Tonight's council meeting at 7pm has a big topic, the Downtown Zoning Ordinance change proposal (Item 6 and 7).   The council will also vote on a resolution regarding public participation in meetings during the pandemic (Item 15), and several other administrative items -- including the approval of the city's updated Emergency Operations Plan (Item 14). 


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