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Annotated Agenda

City Council Meeting Agendas with Notes

Annotated agenda for 12/5/2022

Monday Night's 7pm Council meeting features the third reading of the proposed ordinances to eliminate the 2/3 override requirement for P&Z-disapproved decisions (Items #4 and 5) , and the updated Fireworks Ordinance (Item 3).  The other key actions are a potential reconsideration of the storage unit development agreement that the council turned down 3-to-2 in our last meeting (Item #2).  We also have some updated personnel policies (Items #13 and #14) as well as a proposed new funding schedule for The Falls Aquatic Center this upcoming year (Item #17).  

Annotated Agenda for 11/21/2022

In this Monday night meeting, with a fairly short agenda, I don't see any contentious items where there's likely to be a lot of dialogue. A few proposed ordinance changes will be in their second reading, and usually council members don't pose new questions or comments.   Considering we just had eleven hours of lively deliberation in our annual Council Goal Setting Work Sessions on November 15th and 17th, I can appreciate having a fairly light council meeting this week.

Annotated Agenda for 10/17/2022

Monday night's regular council meeting at 7pm has two big items of civic interest.  The first is Item #5, where the council will be considering changes to the council's override threshold for Planning & Zoning recommendations.   The Council will also have its first reading of changes to the new Fireworks Ordinance in Item #25.

Annotated Agenda for 10/3/2022

Happy Sunday neighbors!  What a glorious weekend!  This might be the shortest council packet I've ever reviewed...there really isn't anything exciting in this Council meeting, from my vantage point, but I hope you'll still come; at 6:20 in the Standing Committees, the Public Safety Committee will review the options for updates to the Fireworks Ordinance, based on what we learned this past summer.  Should be interesting!  I hope you can join us in-person or online on Channel 15 and YouTube.  Thanks for doing the work to be an informed and engaged resident, even during the light weeks!

Annotated Agenda for 9/19/2022

The big items for Monday night's 7pm meeting are consideration of approval for the Destination Iowa  matching grant application which would seek to better connect the downtowns of Waterloo and Cedar Falls through river amenities (Items #17 and #18), and approval of a grant application which would fund the removal of the unused railroad line downtown for a cost of $1.2M using various funding sources.   

Annotated Agenda for 9/6/2022

Tuesday night's regular council meeting includes the approval of a $2.2M end-of-year General Fund transfer (Item #12), an agreement with Rotary Club for the construction of a new memorial next to the Little Red Schoolhouse (Item #17) and site plan approval for a new duplex on College Hill (Item #19).   The council will also vote on receiving $2.9M in state funds for the Main Street Reconstruction (Item #22) and consider two amendments to the city code -- one being a code clean-up for council meeting procedures (Item #26) and the other an elimination of on-street parking on the east side of

Annotated Agenda for 8/15/2022

Monday night's regular council meeting doesn't seem to have anything headline-grabbing (well, maybe a headline on a slow news week!).  The council will be considering the letting of $3.8M in loan notes (Item #7); the council approved the action in a previous meeting, and moves forward on the paperwork for that.  I'm also nominating appointments for boards and commissions (Item #5) and there's a whole bunch approvals for preliminary & final platting for several development projects around town.  Additionally, about 580 pages of the packet relate to easement agreements for the Main Street

Annotated Agenda for 7/18/2022

In tonight's regular meeting at 7pm, the City Council will hold several public hearings regarding the sale of bonds and the spending of CARES Act money. Also up for vote will b a proposed change to how site plans are approved downtown (Item #8),  the city workplace survey contract with UNI (Item #14), and owner purchase agreements for properties impacted by the Main Street Reconstruction Project (Item #23). 


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