Monday (3/15) at 7pm (in person), the Council will be discussing in its regular meeting a two-year agreement with Sturgis Falls Celebration, Inc. (Item #5) as well as a number of fairly routine approvals. It appears to be a fairly non-controversial Regular Meeting, from my perspective.
Prior to our Regular Meeting, the City Council will meet at 5:10 for two presentations, scheduled for 50 minutes each. Both are important discussions:
- A look at the draft amendments to the Mayor / Administrator Ordinances, and for the Council to have an in-depth discussion & make text changes if so desired.
- A follow-on Main Street Study presentation, for staff to provide answers to a few councilmember questions that came up in a previous Committee of the Whole. The Council will need to provide direction to staff at this meeting so that the Main Street Reconstruction Project can get designed this year, and built starting next year. The three main philosophies/options are (A) "reconstruct as-is" with four highway-style lanes (a holdover from when Main Street was Highway 58, until 1993) and signalized intersections....or (B) switch to a two-lane configuration with a center turning lane, and roundabouts at 12th, 18th, and Seerley (and maybe 6th?), or (C) some combination of the two. It should be very interesting discussion.
Since we're still under the Governor's Emergency Proclamation, both meetings will be available for attendance electronically if you prefer; I hope you can join us in-person, online @ Zoom, or via YouTube/Channel 15. Thanks as always for doing the work to be informed and engaged residents!
The meeting will also be accessible via video conference and the public may access/participate in the meeting in the following ways:
a) By dialing the phone number +13126266799 or +19292056099 or +12532158782 or +13017158592 or +13462487799 or +16699006833 and when prompted, enter the meeting ID (access code) 962 7287 1738.
b) iPhone one-tap: +13126266799,,96272871738# or +19292056099,,96272871738#
c) Join via smartphone or computer using this link:
d) View the live stream on Channel 15 YouTube using this link: (view only).
e) Watch on Cedar Falls Cable Channel 15 (view only).
To request to speak when allowed on the agenda, participants must click “Raise Hand” if connected by smartphone or computer, or press *9 if connected by telephone. All participants will be muted by the presiding officer when not actually speaking.
Call to Order by the Mayor
Roll Call
Approval of Minutes
1. Regular Meeting of March 1, 2021. This action simply enters the minutes into the record as an accurate reflection of what transpired in the meeting; it is not an appropriate time to debate the merits of the items themselves.
Agenda Revisions
Public Forum. (Speakers will have one opportunity to speak for up to 5 minutes on topics germane to City business.)
Special Presentations
2. Proclamation recognizing March 22, 2021 as March for Meals Day. In our hectic world, it's easy for vulnerable populations to get lost in the busy-ness. I'm thankful for organizations and volunteers who meet these kinds of community needs. I'm happy to give NEI3A the mic this evening to talk about their work.
Special Order of Business
3. Public hearing on the proposed plans, specifications, form of contract & estimate of cost for the 2021 Street Construction Project. This is a routine annual hearing & approval, to rebuild various streets in town. Full disclosure, the street in front of my house is on the list (Olive between 3rd and 4th); if I were still on council I'd recuse myself to avoid any appearance of a conflict of interest, but as Mayor I don't have a vote. So I'll preside over this item unless Council requests that the Mayor Pro Tem do it.
a) Receive and file proof of publication of notice of hearing. (Notice published March 5, 2021)
b) Written communications filed with the City Clerk.
c) Staff comments.
d) Public comments.
e) Resolution approving and adopting the plans, specifications, form of contract & estimate of cost for the 2021 Street Construction Project.
Old Business
4. Pass Ordinance #2987, amending Chapter 26, Zoning, of the Code of Ordinances relative to adaptive re-use of institutional buildings, upon its second consideration. No concerns; this was discussed in the last meeting.
5. Resolution approving and authorizing execution of a Sturgis Falls Celebration Agreement for Use of City Parks and Services with Sturgis Falls Celebration, Inc. This version of the Sturgis Falls Agreement is identical to the one-year agreement approved by the City Council last year.
New Business
Consent Calendar: (The following items will be acted upon by voice vote on a single motion without separate discussion, unless someone from the Council or public requests that a specific item be considered separately.)
6. Receive and file the Work Session minutes of March 1, 2021 relative to the following item: This action simply enters the minutes into the record as an accurate reflection of what transpired in the meeting; it is not an appropriate time to debate the merits of the items themselves.
a) Mayor and City Administrator Roles.
7. Receive and file the Committee of the Whole minutes of March 1, 2021 relative to the following item: This action simply enters the minutes into the record as an accurate reflection of what transpired in the meeting; it is not an appropriate time to debate the merits of the items themselves.
a) 2009 & 2013 Complete Streets Review.
8. Receive and file the 2020 Annual Reports of the Planning & Zoning Commission, Board of Adjustment, Historic Preservation Commission, Group Rental Committee/Board of Rental Housing Appeals, Housing Commission and Bicycle & Pedestrian Advisory Committee. These annual reports are a great way to see the work going on these governmental bodies.
9. Approve the following applications for beer permits and liquor licenses: The Council is the approving authority for all alcohol permits in the city.
a) Barn Happy, 11310 University Avenue, Class B native wine - renewal.
b) Chilitos Mexican Bar and Grill, 1704 West 1st Street, Class C liquor - renewal.
c) Social House, 2208 College Street, Class C liquor & outdoor service - renewal.
d) The Stuffed Olive, The Roxxy and Deringer’s Public Parlor 314-316 Main Street, Class C liquor & outdoor service - renewal.
e) Hillstreet News & Tobacco, 2217 College Street, Class E liquor - renewal.
f) Chad's Pizza & Restaurant, Birdsall Park Softball Complex, Class B beer & outdoor service - 6-month permit.
g) River Place Plaza, 200 East 2nd Street – Plaza, Special Class C liquor & outdoor service – 8-month permit with exceptions. (see attached)
h) Scoopskis, 1828 Waterloo Road, Class B beer & outdoor service - new with exceptions. (see attached)
i) Ari’z, 6301 University Avenue, Class C liquor - new.
Resolution Calendar: (The following items will be acted upon by roll call vote on a single motion without separate discussion, unless someone from the Council or public requests that a specific item be considered separately.)
10. Resolution levying a final assessment for costs incurred by the City to clean up the property located at 2520 Central Avenue. This would assess $351.48 to the property owner's property taxes for the clearing of collected junk and refuse on an open lot (green space) in North Cedar.
11. Resolution approving and authorizing execution of a Service/Products Agreement with the University of Northern Iowa (UNI GeoTREE Center) for 360˚ imagery and virtual tour of Cedar Falls landmarks. This would allocate $1K in taxpayer funds to a visitors and tourism 360-degree photo collaboration project with UNI students. This will be a terrific real-world experience for these students; I always appreciate these kinds of practical learning partnerships.
12. Resolution approving the Certificate of Completion and accepting the work of Invision Architecture for design services relative to the Public Safety Facility. This action would pay out the final invoice of $7K and officially completes the design work on the new public safety center.
13. Resolution approving the Certificate of Completion and accepting the work of Peters Construction Corporation for the Public Safety Facility. This action would pay out the final invoice of $30K and officially completes the construction work on the new public safety center.
14. Resolution approving the final plat of Pheasant Hollow Seventh Addition. This accepts the public improvements for this subdivision and allows the properties to move forward for sale, construction, and occupation.
15. Resolution approving and accepting the contract and bond of K. Cunningham Construction Company, Inc. for the Downtown Streetscape and Reconstruction Project - Phase II. This allocates $2.4M in public, private, and gaming funds to the contractor to finish the downtown street reconstruction and pedestrian tiling work that was started last year.
16. Resolution of support for a grant application to the Black Hawk County Gaming Association relative to the Cedar River Recreation Project. The City is applying for a $1.5M grant from the gaming association, which would cover about 37% of the project cost. Council has previously expressed its support for the project through the Capital Improvements Program (CIP) process. The goal is to start construction this fall/winter; I was very impressed by a similar effort in Manchester (about an hour east of here) on the Wapsiconinon. I love the idea of making the Cedar River a focal point of our city again.
17. Resolution approving and authorizing execution of a Subrogation Agreement with Iowa Economic Development Authority (IEDA) relative to Community Development Block Grant (CDBG-CV2) funding relative to the CARES Act. This allocates $75K in CARES Act funds to cover city expenses for COVID-19 response.
18. Resolution approving and authorizing execution of a Subrecipient Agreement for Federally Funded Project with Cedar Falls School District for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG-CV2) funding relative to the CARES Act. This allocates $83K in CARES Act funds to CF Schools for supplies to make schools safer in light of the pandemic. I will ask if this has to be spent on future items, or if it can be applied to past costs (a reimbursement).
19. Resolution approving and authorizing execution of a Subrecipient Agreement for Federally Funded Project with Ethnic Minorities of Burma Advocacy and Resource Center (EMBARC) for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG-CV2) funding relative to the CARES Act. Similar to Item #18, this passes $40K in federal funds through to EMBARC via the CARES Act. I will be interested to know more about the Burmese refugee population in Cedar Falls, and how this allocation will benefit them.
20. Resolution approving and authorizing execution of a Subrecipient Agreement for Federally Funded Project with Exceptional Persons, Inc. for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG-CV2) funding relative to the CARES Act. Similar to Item #18 and #19, this will provide $10K to Exceptional Persons, Inc. for mortgage and rent assistance to households affected by COVID-19.
21. Resolution setting April 5, 2021 as the date of public hearing on a proposal to enter into an Agreement for Private Development with Stone and Terrace, L.L.C. relative to the rehabilitation of 108 East 4th Street. No concerns about the hearing date.
Allow Bills and Claims
22. Allow Bills and Claims of March 15, 2021. Per city code, the council reviews and approves all bills and claims made by & against the city since the last council meeting.
City Council Referrals
City Council Updates
Staff Updates
Council Packet Link | |
Meeting Date | 03/15/21 |
