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Annotated Agenda

City Council Meeting Agendas with Notes

Annotated Agenda for 6/20/2022

 Noteworthy items on Monday night at 7pm include the Council's consideration of Craig Berte for Public Safety Director  (Item #13),  approval of the city's new Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Specialist job description (Item #14), the proposed adoption of a Resilience Plan for the city (Item #30) and contract approval for the $1.5M Center Street Streetscaping Project up in North Cedar (Item #35). The meeting also features a  LOT of administrative items like health care coverage approvals and towing agreements which always come up right before the new fiscal year starts. <

Annotated Agenda for 6/6/2022

Monday night's council meeting will include the third reading of the "Limited Window" fireworks ordinance (Item #8), several routine capital loan notes (Items 4, 5, and 6), the city's new Fee Schedule (Item #14) and Payroll Resolution (Item 15).  Several community betterment grants are also on the agenda.

Annotated Agenda for May 16, 2022

This week, we have several significant items to consider in the Standing Committees and Regular Council meetings.   First, the Community Relations Committee will meet at 5:10pm to learn about the Resilience Plan, as well as a Destination Iowa grant proposal to better connect the downtowns of Cedar Falls and Waterloo via the Cedar River.  Councilor Ganfield will head up that first meeting as the chair of that standing committee; I'll attend the standing committee meetings but will not chair them.  This will be our first time with this new approach to distributed governance.

Annotated Agenda for 5/2/22

In the 7pm Monday Night Council meeting, the big topic will be the proposed new fireworks "limited window" ordinance (Item #39); Cedar Falls currently has total ban in place. Council will also consider approving the $7.6M contract with Peterson Contractors to rebuild 27th Street (Item #25).  Additionally, if Item #22 is approved, then "Committee of the Whole" will become a rarity, and most matters will be heard by one of three standing committee, led by council members that I appoint (a pretty cool checks-and-balances thing).  I'm looking forward to trying that approach out this yea

Annotated Agenda for 4/18/2022

Hello neighbors!  In the Monday regular council meeting Monday night, the council will vote on formalizing some changes to the council Standing Committees (Items 13 and 19).  Also, the council will hear a new initiative that's been successfully adopted in other Midwestern cities called "No Mow May", which allows residents to refrain from mowing in May in order to encourage the recovery of our decimated pollinator insect populations.  I've included the details as Item #21. The council is also being asked to approve up to $39K for our river consultant to update the plans for the River

Annotated Agenda for 3/21/22

Monday night's meeting (starting at 7pm)  is fairly routine; the only major new items (in my opinion) are a request for city council to appoint an acting police chief for 180 days (Item 11) and an ordinance revision which would remove exemptions for pre-1969 homes to tap into the sanitary sewer to remove stormwater.  

Prior to that meeting, at 5:10 the council will meet in a work session to discuss collaborative opportunities with senior UNI leadership (50 minutes) and then a continuation of our discussion of the new downtown zoning ordinance.  

Annotated Agenda for 3/7/2022

The regular council meeting will feature consideration of the FY2023 City Budget (Item #3) and the first proposed changes to the new Downtown Character District (Items 7 & 8).  I'm also pleased that our UNI Student Liaison position will be filled again (Item #9), bringing back an important UNI student perspective that had been sidelined during COVID.   Also, several major infrastructure projects will be up for approval as well.

Annotated Agenda for 2/21/22

This is a very involved council meeting, with the most significant item likely being the vote on the maximum levy (Item #3),  Many other administrative items are being considered as well.  Also, I'll be removing the Personnel Policies (Item #15) from the evening's agenda and expect it will be considered on March 7th instead.

Annotated Agenda for 2/7/2022

The Monday night council agenda appears to be non-controversial, with routine items being presented for Council Consideration at 7pm.   Prior to this meeting, the Council will have its second consecutive work session to continue discussing proposed changes to the Downtown Zoning ordinance.  That starts at 5:10pm.   And then at 6pm, we'll meet in Committee of the Whole to interview a prospective Board of Adjustment member and present the proposed FY23 budget. 


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