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Annotated Agenda

City Council Meeting Agendas with Notes

Annotated Agenda for 3/2/2020

In Monday night’s regular council meeting, I’m anticipating that the only contentious item will be #22, the action to override my veto of the “Immediate Implementation of the PSO Model”.   Other items are the approval of two new permeable alley constructions (Item #3 and 4), street reconstruction (Item #5 and 6), and the site plan for a new extended-stay hotel off Highway 58 (Item #12).    Also, the council will entertain a referral for a citywide fireworks display this Fourth of July. 

Annotated Agenda for 2/3/2020

Given the spirited nature of the first two council meetings this year, the February 3rd meeting may prove to be fairly tame by comparison.  Among other resolutions and actions, the Council will be voting to set the maximum levy rate for this next budget year  (Items 2&3) and voting to approve the winning bid for the $2.2M downtown streetscaping project (item 14).  

Annotated Agenda for 1/20/2020

The big-ticket item on Monday's night's docket is the appointment process for the vacant at-large council seat.  Twelve candidates are being considered for this appointment.  Along with that, we'll be discussing approval of our five-year Capital Improvements Program (CIP) as Item #2 and #3, several development agreements, ordinance readings, lawn care levies, and a new sculpture in from of City Hall to honor the late Mayor Jon Crews (item #23).  

Annotated Agenda for 1/6/2020

At the 7pm regular council meeting Monday night, the city council will be deciding whether to fill the vacant City Council (at Large) seat by an appointment or special election (Item #33).  It also is considering changes to the city's parking regulations (Item #32), hiring a consultant for modernizing the zoning code on College Hill (Item #27), going ahead with the $2.5M downtown streetscaping project (Items #2&3), and appointing an Acting Police Chief (Item #16).   Lots of other items on the consent and resolution calendar as well. 

Annotated Agenda for 12/16/2019

This meeting has a rather lengthy agenda; some of the more noteworthy items are a report from the city's Human Rights Commission, tax rebate incentives for two downtown improvements (Items 4 and 7), the elected official pay schedule (Item #16), and several plat approvals, including one new senior homes across from Greenhill Park (item #30) an the corner of Union and 12th Street (Item #35).   As always, the public is invited to join us in person at city hall, in TV-land on Channel 15, or streaming live on YouTube.  Hope you can make it!

Annotated Agenda for 11/18/2019

It's a busy evening for Council!  In our regular meeting at 7pm, some of our voting will be on TIF financing and documentation (Items #9-18); I'm going to set aside time tomorrow morning to focus on these items prior to council...same for a review of the Imagine Downtown! plan (Item #27) [UPDATE: Both are done].   If approved, the Imagine Downtown!

Annotated Agenda for 10/21/2019

A chilly and gloomy day is perfect for reading a council packet at my in-laws, while the rest of the family makes home-made applesauce with Grandma!  In Monday night's council meeting, Council is being asked to approve the Master Plan for a big new business park between Highway 20 and Ridgeway at Hudson Road (Item #24). We also have several preliminary/final plats to approve, as well as roadway design projects.

Annotated Agenda for 10/7/2019

Monday night's council meeting (7pm in the council chambers) appears to have no controversial items.  Council is being asked to approve a few new ordinances regarding 48 hour parking (Item 2), the new subdivision north of the new high school, and monument-style mailboxes (#4).  We'll also vote on spending up to $290K on surveillance cameras (Item #13) and up to $65K on new parking pay stations.   Also several downtown signage and aesthetic changes worth checking out (Items #23-25).  

Annotated Agenda for 9/16/2019

In this meeting, the Council will vote on allowing new single-family homes to be built east of Union Road between 12th and 27th streets (Items 2 and 4). We also have several approvals for engineering service contracts before us, including one for wastewater treatment (#16) and another for North Cedar streetscaping (#25).   We also will have our first of the readings on allowing monument-style mailboxes.  Staff's recommendation is to vote down the new ordinance, so that promises to be an interesting discussion. 


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