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Capital Improvement Plan

Annotated Agenda for 1/21/19

Monday night's meeting has no controversial items, from what I can tell.   We'll be approving and adopting the latest CIP plan, which is included in the council packet in all its 261 page glory (I'd love to see this become a searchable, public online database someday!).  I do have notes below about some item's I have questions on.

Annotated Agenda for 1/7/2019

Happy New Year!  This marks the start of my second year on City Council -- I've found these annotated agendas to be really helpful for thinking through these council packets, and since some people are actually reading them (!) I'll keep doing this.   I hope also that future City Council candidates find these useful for getting a better sense for what goes on at City Council meetings, and to formulate their own positions on city issues.

My First Budget Discussion

Tue, 12/19/2017 - 18:26 -- robgreen

Tonight the council members, city staff and mayor met from 5pm - 6:30pm to discuss upcoming funding priorities for the City's Capital Improvement Plan, or CIP.   These are all the "one time" projects the city is considering, like purchasing of major equipment (like a new $500K fire truck) or building new parks or reconstructing roadways.   I really enjoyed the philosophical aspect of the discussion, and the council members all had some great points, even when I didn't agree with them.

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