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TIF Funding

Annotated Agenda for 11/19/2018

Monday night's session has a lot of items on it (some of them are expensive!) but not much I could see in the way of controversy.  I noticed that the minutes were incorrect, so I'll be addressing that, and #14 is a mobile app (costing $17K over five years) that I'm questioning the business case for (my explanation is below).   Prior to that meeting, we'll also have a work session, a Committee of the Whole, and an executive session, so it will be a full night.   Hope you can join us for the council meeting, at least! 

Annotated Agenda for 11/5/2018

This agenda has many non-controversial items on it; one item that has received some press is the rezoning of the land north of Lakeshore Drive to R-1 (Item E.4) due to stormwater runoff/drainage concerns.   We'll also be reviewing a site plan for a new Fleet Farm at Ridgeway & 58 (Item E.3).  Plus the opportunity for public comment. Also, there's no Committee of the Whole beforehand.  Hope you can join us in person at City Hall at 7pm or on Channel 15!


Last Monday's TIF vote, and what I learned...

Thu, 01/18/2018 - 10:01 -- robgreen
University Avenue image

I've been following City Council for a few years now, and have often played "How would I vote?".   It's given me a consistent local governance philosophy -- one that I can reasonably justify.   Last Monday night, I accidentally went against that philosophy.  My vote didn't change the outcome (it would've passed anyway), but I missed a great opportunity to communicate my stance to city staff and public.  I'm sorry for my mistake, and will explain what happened and what actions I'm taking for the future.  

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