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Land Acquisition

Annotated Agenda for 1/21/19

Monday night's meeting has no controversial items, from what I can tell.   We'll be approving and adopting the latest CIP plan, which is included in the council packet in all its 261 page glory (I'd love to see this become a searchable, public online database someday!).  I do have notes below about some item's I have questions on.

Annotated Agenda for 11/19/2018

Monday night's session has a lot of items on it (some of them are expensive!) but not much I could see in the way of controversy.  I noticed that the minutes were incorrect, so I'll be addressing that, and #14 is a mobile app (costing $17K over five years) that I'm questioning the business case for (my explanation is below).   Prior to that meeting, we'll also have a work session, a Committee of the Whole, and an executive session, so it will be a full night.   Hope you can join us for the council meeting, at least! 

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