Happy anniversary!
Hard to believe, but tomorrow is the 25th anniversary of that day a scrawny 18-year-old version of me took the oath to become a Cadet at the U.S. Coast Guard Academy in New London, Connecticut. During the next ten years, as a Cadet and then as a Commissioned Officer, I was placed into a variety of incredibly challenging and formative roles with some truly outstanding human beings.
While many different careers can give you the perspective and insight needed to be an effective elected official, I believe that my decade in the active-duty military (and another ten as a volunteer) provided me with experience especially valuable for serving as Mayor of Cedar Falls.
Service record excerpts
Here are 'testimonials' from past Commanding Officers and other senior leaders regarding my performance, as written in my Officer Evaluation Reports (OER's):
- “Ensign Green has demonstrated excellent operational, project management and public affairs skills. He has clearly demonstrated the potential and drive to be an exceptional officer in the career path of his choice.” - August 1999
- “An extremely competent shiphandler, authoritative yet respectful Boarding Officer and an administrator who is sincerely dedicated and successful in promoting the well-being and advancement of our enlisted personnel. LTJG Green’s outgoing personality and professionalism combine to form an outstanding leader and example of Coast Guard core values.” - June 2001
- “LTJG Green possesses an outstanding capacity to excel at simultaneous, difficult tasks, even under intense pressure. He has repeatedly shown a capacity for leadership/management roles well beyond the norm for an O-2; a superb candidate for postgraduate instruction in Public Administration, Strategic Intelligence or Instructional Technology.” - March 2002
- “LTJG Green has demonstrated an unwavering commitment to the Coast Guard and is ideally suited for positions of highest visibility, leadership, and responsibility. He is exceptionally well-qualified for Commanding Officer / Executive Officer afloat and should be the first pick for postgraduate instruction in Public Administration.” - July 2002
- “LT Green has established himself as a true ‘operator’ in the Coast Guard. His grasp of budgetary, political, and logistical aspects of CG operations is unsurpassed at his level. Ideally suited for the most challenging operational assignments and positions of highest visibility and responsibility.” - June 2003
Aboard USCGC HICKORY (Homer, Alaska) with my amazing XO and CO
Here and now
It seems like a lifetime ago that I wore the uniform of a Coast Guard Lieutenant..since then, I've done my best to carry on the strong work ethic, impeccable integrity, and servant leadership honed by Coast Guard officer mentors and shipmates. Through my service on City Council, I hope you've seen my continued keen interest in effective and fair administration, government operations, leadership, management, and strategic, transparent decision-making.
I know from extensive experience that I have the capacity and desire to excel as a well-rounded, trusted, and capable leader -- particularly in sensitively and effectively addressing the city's challenges and areas for improvement.
If you agree, then I hope to earn your vote on November 5th.