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PSO Program: Your Questions, My Answers

Thu, 09/19/2019 - 18:38 -- robgreen

Over the past few weeks, I’ve heard some misconceptions and misattributions about my take on the PSO program.  I’m not one to tell people only what they want to hear -- that happens in politics too often already. And I don’t want anyone to have the idea that I’m telling some residents one thing, and other residents another. So here are answers to some of the questions that I’ve either heard while doorknocking, or inferred from comments on social media.  

As you've hopefully seen from my service on City Council, I'm committed to being up-front and honest with you about my positions, and what you can expect from me as Mayor. If you disagree with me (and I respect that), I hope my explanations at least give you something to think about and discuss with your friends and neighbors as we march toward November.