I've been out doorknocking since May; sometimes I'm asked, “Are you a Democrat or a Republican?”. The question itself concerns me, because it goes against our non-partisan approach to city government. Important topics like proper fire/rescue coverage, the mayor’s status as full- or part-time, economic development, city growth, infrastucture maintanence, fireworks, etc. aren't partisan issues.
City Council has generally avoided overt partisanship, and I want it to stay that way. Great ideas for the future of our city come from people of all political persuasions. I believe the most effective City Council representatives are open-minded, informed, approachable and humble, and make decisions based on the long-term interests of Cedar Falls, not on party lines or future political ambitions. Great representatives actively seek out diverse opinions and perspectives, and include new information when it’s available. They take time to understand and empathize with viewpoints of 'the opposition'. That kind of thinking requires a significant investment of trust, respect, and communication -- especially with people who disagree with you.
Political partisanship is designed to create an "us vs. them" mentality which hinders communication and understanding. We have to think beyond party labels to solve local problems, and I'm a "no labels" candidate If you agree that partisanship should be left out on the steps of City Hall, I hope you'll vote for me for City Council (At-Large) on November 7th.