Tomorrow's meeting has a very lengthy agenda, but many of the items appear to be non-controversial and so will likely be approved "en masse" as part of the resolution calendar and consent calendar. It is important to read the council packet for useful details about the item for consideration ... it takes me between 3 and 5 hours to get through each packet. This weekend, though, I read through everything but the Greenhill Village II Townhomes matter (Item 38 and 39) as well as the Ordinance change in #47 (I'm not even quite sure what that's about). I know the townhomes discussion is controversial, so I want to make sure I understand it & will take the day off from work tomorrow to read through everything. Same for #47, and then that should leave me some time to read the Departmental Reports (Item #16) in detail.
I weirdly enjoy learning about all this stuff, and how everything fits together...I'm glad to do it so you don't have to. But as always, feel free to hit me up with any questions or insights you have. At 5:15, we'll also have a Committee of the Whole meeting where we'll discuss the results of the College Hill Parking Study, a proposed ordinance to deal with a perceived problem with trailers on our streets, and an Info Systems Update & prospective Library Trustee member interview. Join us then, or at 7pm in Council Chambers (or on Channel 15 or streaming via YouTube, if you prefer watching with popcorn).
Call to Order by the Mayor
Roll Call
Approval of Minutes
1. Regular Meeting of July 15, 2019. No questions.
Administration of Oath to Public Safety Officers and Reserve Officers
Agenda Revisions
Special Order of Business
2. Public hearing on proposed plans, specifications, form of contract & estimate of cost for the 2019 Sidewalk Assessment Project, Zone This is the public's opportunity to weigh in on the project, which would allocate $107K in taxpayer funds to construction and repair of sidewalk squares.
a) Receive and file proof of publication of notice of hearing. (Notice published July 19, 2019)
b) Written communications filed with the City Clerk.
c) Oral comments.
3. Resolution approving and adopting the plans, specifications, form of contract & estimate of cost for the 2019 Sidewalk Assessment Project, Zone 2. Details of the project aren't provided in the packet; I'll find out if the $107K is to cover city-owned sidewalk repair (as opposed to any repairs which are normally taken care of by the property owners. No other questions.
4. Public hearing on the proposed vacation of a 15-foot wide pedestrian trail access easement along the southern border of the Western Home Campus between South Main Street and Prairie Parkway. This is the public's opportunity to weigh in on the proposed change.
a) Receive and file proof of publication of notice of hearing. (Notice published July 19, 2019)
b) Written communications filed with the City Clerk.
c) Oral comments.
5. Resolution approving and authorizing the vacation of a 15-foot wide pedestrian trail access easement located along the southern border of the Western Home Campus between South Main Street and Prairie Parkway. As I understand it, this 'reserved' strip of land was potentially going to be used for a ped/bike path, and this no longer needed because the trail went in a different direction. I wonder whether this land would still be useful/valuable to facilitate access for residents of the Western Home Communities to access Walmart and the other adjacent stores; if they could use their small utility vehicles (aka golf carts) to get to Walmart, that would save them from having to get onto Pinnacle Prairie or Highway 218. I'll ask if giving up the easement will eliminate this possibility.
6. Public hearing on a proposed ordinance granting a partial property tax exemption to ACOH, LLC for construction of an industrial use manufacturing and office facility at 6601 Development Drive. This is the public's opportunity to weigh in on this proposed ordinance.
a) Receive and file proof of publication of notice of hearing. (Notice published July 19, 2019)
b) Written communications filed with the City Clerk.
c) Oral comments.
7. Pass an ordinance granting a partial property tax exemption to ACOH, LLC for construction of an industrial use manufacturing and office facility at 6601 Development Drive, upon its first consideration. This follows through with a five-year graduated tax exemption for ACOH, since they met their end of the deal by building a $1.4M new building in the Southern Cedar Falls Industrial Park. No questions.
8. Public hearing on a proposed ordinance granting a partial property tax exemption to Buckeye Corrugated, Inc. for construction of an industrial use warehouse and production facility at 2900 Capital Way. Similar to #6 and #7 above, for Buckeye's new $9M facility. This is the public's opportunity to weigh in.
a) Receive and file proof of publication of notice of hearing. (Notice published July 19, 2019)
b) Written communications filed with the City Clerk.
c) Oral comments.
9. Pass an ordinance granting a partial property tax exemption to Buckeye Corrugated, Inc. for construction of an industrial use warehouse and production facility at 2900 Capital Way, upon its first consideration. No questions about this previously-approved tax exemption.
10. Public hearing on a proposed ordinance granting a partial property tax exemption to FN Investors, LLC for construction of an industrial use lab and office facility at 3019 Venture Way. Similar to the above; this the public's opportunity to weigh in.
a) Receive and file proof of publication of notice of hearing. (Notice published July 19, 2019)
b) Written communications filed with the City Clerk.
c) Oral comments.
11. Pass an ordinance granting a partial property tax exemption to FN Investors, LLC for construction of an industrial use lab and office facility at 3019 Venture Way, upon its first consideration. No questions about this previously-approved tax exemption.
Old Business
12. Pass Ordinance #2949, amending certain sections of the Code of Ordinances relative to establishing regulations for events on public property, upon its third & final consideration. We've discussed this in a work session; I have no additional questions. We can visit specific aspects of the ordinance as we see gaps or necessary tweaks.
New Business
Consent Calendar: (The following items will be acted upon by voice vote on a single motion without separate discussion, unless someone from the Council or public requests that a specific item be considered separately.)
13. Receive and file the resignation of Evan Renfro as a member of the Library Board of Trustees. With Prof. Renfro's resignation, there will be an open seat on the board for interested applicants.
14. Receive and file the Committee of the Whole minutes of July 15, 2019 relative to the following items: Simply enters the minutes into the official record as an accurate reflection of the proceedings. No questions.
a) River Gauge Update.
b) Snow removal requests on sidewalks/trails.
c) Bills & Payroll.
15. Receive and file the report of the July 22, 2019 Joint Meeting of the City Council & the Utilities Board of Trustees. Simply enters the minutes into the official record as an accurate reflection of the proceedings. No questions.
16. Receive and file Departmental Monthly Reports of June 2019. I've only had time for a cursory look at the reports; I'll look at them in detail on Monday. No questions so far.
17. Approve the request of Community Main Street for temporary signs for the Downtown Shuttle. No questions about the request; for the sign designs, I will ask if we can include the MET Transit logo to attach/improve some brand awareness & affinity for our municipal transit service.
18. Approve the following special event-related requests: There are quite a few requests this time around (glad to see community activities!) No questions about the requests.
a) Street closures, Fondo Cedar Valley Bike Ride, August 17, 2019.
b) Parking variance, Campus Street, August 19-23, 2019.
c) Street closure, West 5th Street, August 31, 2019.
d) Scott Sterrett Memorial Half Marathon, September 7, 2019.
e) Closure of a portion of Municipal Lot G, Pear Fair & Oktoberfest, September 27-30, 2019.
19. Approve the following applications for cigarette/tobacco/nicotine/vapor permits: No questions about these permit requests.
a) Dollar General Store, 1922 Valley Park Drive.
b) Fleet Farm, 400 West Ridgeway Avenue.
c) Fleet Farm Fuel, 108 West Ridgeway Avenue.
20. Approve the following applications for beer permits and liquor licenses: No questions about these permit requests.
a) Vintage Iron, 104 Main Street, Class B native wine - renewal.
b) The Black Hawk Hotel/Bar Winslow/Farm Shed, 115-119 Main Street, Class B liquor, Class B wine & outdoor service - renewal.
c) Octopus, 2205 College Street, Class C liquor & outdoor service - renewal.
d) The Library, 2222 College Street, Class C liquor & outdoor service - renewal.
e) The Other Place, 4214 University Avenue, Class C liquor & outdoor service - renewal.
f) Texas Roadhouse, 5715 University Avenue, Class C liquor - change in ownership.
g) The Pump Haus Pub & Grill, 311 Main Street, Class C liquor & outdoor service - sidewalk café.
h) Community Main Street (FondoFest), Overman Park, Special Class C liquor & outdoor service - 5-day permit.
Resolution Calendar: (The following items will be acted upon by roll call vote on a single motion without separate discussion, unless someone from the Council or public requests that a specific item be considered separately.)
21. Resolution approving and authorizing execution of an Easement Agreement, in conjunction with a sidewalk café at 311 Main Street. Allows a sidewalk cafe to operate in the public right-of-way from April to October each year. No questions.
22. Resolution approving and authorizing execution of an Agreement in Support of the Beau's Beautiful Blessings, Inc. relative to an FY20 Community Betterment Grant. Grants $5K in taxpayer funds to purchase playground equipment. No questions.
23. Resolution approving and authorizing execution of an Agreement in Support of the Cedar Falls Community Theatre, Inc. relative to an FY20 Community Betterment Grant. Grants $6K in taxpayer funds to purchase various backstage upgrades for the community theater. No questions.
24. Resolution approving and authorizing execution of an Agreement in Support of the Cedar Falls Historical Society relative to an FY20 Community Betterment Grant. Grants $6K in taxpayer funds to help renovate the museum space at 315 Clay Street, as it transforms into a modern museum to showcase local history and heritage. No questions.
25. Resolution approving and authorizing execution of an Agreement in Support of the HusomeStrong Foundation relative to an FY20 Community Betterment Grant. Grants $6230 to purchase a golf cart accessible to persons with disabilities. I will ask how the HusomeStrong Foundation involved with municipal golf, and who will own the cart. No other questions.
26. Resolution approving and authorizing execution of an Agreement in Support of the Volunteer Center of the Cedar Valley relative to an FY20 Community Betterment Grant. Grants $2500 in taxpayer funds for the VCCV to market to employers to manage the recruitment of businesses to engage their employees in service to Cedar Falls. No questions.
27. Resolution approving and authorizing execution of an Agreement in Support of the Waterloo-Cedar Falls Symphony Orchestra Association relative to an FY20 Community Betterment Grant. Grants $4,000 in taxpayer funds to the WCFSO for free cultural outreach activities to area kids, such as the annual Lollipop Concert series and in-school activities. No questions.
28. Resolution approving a Claim for Non-Residential Relocation Assistance Reimbursement, in conjunction with the West 1st Street Reconstruction Project. This appears to reimburse CV Properties $38K for a new 12' tall LED sign in front of 506 W. 1st Street. I'll find out if this is being reimbursed by the city, or if this is a pass-through to the State DOT. No other questions.
29. Resolution approving and accepting the contract and bond of K. Cunningham Construction Company, Inc. for the South Main Street Parking Lot Project. Commits Cunningham to building the new parking lot across from the Rownd Paw Park for $135.5K (breakdown on page 225). I'll just ask about the expected timeline for having this completed...I saw 5 cars using the dirt version on Saturday 8/3, so there's definitely a need for this...and the sooner the better!
30. Resolution approving and authorizing execution of a Contract for Completion of Improvements with Western Home Independent Living Services, Inc. and approving an Escrow Agreement relative to the final plat of Western Home Communities Ninth Addition. This item allows Western Home to move forward in the process of constructing new homes in Pinnacle Prairie. No questions about this item.
31. Resolution approving and authorizing execution of a Contract for Completion of Improvements with BJW Holdings, LLC relative to the final plat of Park Ridge Estates. This allows the developer to move forward with the development of site plans for the new subdivision north of Lakewood Hills in northwest Cedar Falls. This has been somewhat contentious in the past due to concerns about stormwater runoff; I will ask how the city and developer have sought to address these concerns. No other questions.
32. Resolution approving and authorizing execution of Supplemental Agreement No. 9 to the Professional Service Agreement with Snyder & Associates, Inc. for 2019 Engineering Services relative to the Northern Cedar Falls Drainage Study. As I understand it, during this past winter, Ice jams caused water locked on a field to flood into residential areas in North Cedar. This resolution provides up to $7500 in stormwater funds to study and prepare recommendations for preventing a reoccurrence. No questions.
33. Resolution receiving and filing the bids, and approving and accepting the low bid of Minturn, Inc., in the amount of $186,793.00, for the 2019 Bridge Maintenance Project. (Page 272) I'm not sure if this is for significant work on one bridge, or just minor work on lots of bridges. I'll ask. If you're curious, I learned during a similar resolution that "Mobilization" is a pretty broad term, and includes the costs of getting equipment on-scene. No other questions.
34. Resolution approving the application for Traffic Safety Improvement Program (TSIP) Funding with the Iowa Department of Transportation relative to the Cedar Heights Drive and Greenhill Road Intersection Improvements. This authorizes the city to submit to Iowa DOT a request for $500,000 to assist in the proposed conversion of the Cedar Heights Drive & Greenhill Road intersection to a roundabout. No questions about this funding request.
35. Resolution approving and adopting revised Rules of Procedure for the Board of Adjustment. Approves some minor procedural changes. No questions.
36. Resolution approving the final plat of Park Ridge Estates Subdivision. This allows the subdivision north of Lakewood Hills to be parceled out for sale. No questions.
37. Resolution approving the final plat of Western Home Communities Ninth Addition. Allows Western Home to proceed with the development of their newest group of condos. No questions.
38. Resolution approving the final plat of Greenhill Village Townhomes II, Phase I. <I'm setting this aside (and taking Monday off work) to review this item in detail on 8/5 before the council meeting>
39. Resolution approving a Mixed Use Residential Zoning District site plan for a multi-unit residential development on Lot 1, Greenhill Village Townhomes II, Phase I. (contingent upon approval of final plat) <I'm setting this aside (and taking the Monday off work) to review this item in detail on 8/5 before the council meeting>
40. Resolution approving and accepting the low bid, and approving and authorizing execution of a Rehabilitation Contract with Brothers Construction Enterprises, Inc., relative to a HOME housing rehabilitation project. Allocates $23K in federally-provided funds to repair a roof and make other improvements to the owner-occupied house at 2121 California Street. No questions
41. Resolution approving and authorizing execution of an Assignment and Assumption Agreement by CV Properties 2, LLC to CV Commercial 2, LLC relative to a private development agreement for development of property located at 917 West 23rd Street. This request appears to be a simple administrative change as part of a bank refinancing package. No questions.
42. Resolution approving a revised Highway 20 Commercial Corridor Overlay Zoning District site plan for construction of a restaurant and convenience store/gas station/automobile service station to be located on Lot 2 of Gateway Business Park at Cedar Falls I. This is a modification of the Dairy Queen site plan that Council approved a few weeks ago. No questions about the changes.
43. Resolution approving a PC-2, Planned Commercial Zoning District site plan for construction of a retail/professional office building at 918 Viking Road. Allows for construction of an additional building within the 918 Viking Road complex. No questions.
44. Resolution approving and authorizing the expenditure of funds to order pavers to complete the brick pattern for Peter Melendy Park and East 2nd Street sidewalk at MU2. Approves $40.6K worth of clay fired bricks to be manufactured and delivered, as the first part of a larger $264K project for the development of this flagship park. It's a big chunk of money, but essential to the character of the downtown, and the clay bricks are demonstrably superior in quality to the concrete ones currently in place downtown. No questions about the expense.
45. Resolution receiving and filing, and setting August 19, 2019 as the date of public hearing on, the proposed plans, specifications, form of contract & estimate of cost for the 2019 Peter Melendy Park Renovation Project. No questions about the date of the hearing.
46. Resolution setting August 19, 2019 as the date of public hearing to consider entering into a proposed Agreement for Private Development and to consider conveyance of certain city-owned real estate to Strickler Properties, L.C. No questions about the date of the hearing.
47. Pass an ordinance amending Ordinance No. 1923, 2122, 2461, 2696, 2785 and 2923, providing that general property taxes levied and collected each year on all property located within the amended Cedar Falls Unified Highway 58 Corridor Urban Renewal Area, by and for the benefit of the State of Iowa, City of Cedar Falls, County of Black Hawk, Cedar Falls Community School District, Hudson Community School District, Dike-New Hartford Community School District and other taxing districts, be paid to a special fund for payment of principal and interest on loans, monies advanced to and indebtedness, including bonds issued or to be issued, incurred by the City in connection with Amendment No. 5 to the Cedar Falls Unified Highway 58 Corridor Urban Renewal Area, upon its first consideration. (Page 483) <I'm setting this aside (and taking the morning off work) to review this item in detail on 8/5 before the council meeting>
Allow Bills and Payroll
48. Allow Bills and Payroll of August 5, 2019. No questions.
City Council Referrals No referrals.
City Council Updates No updates.
Public Forum. (Speakers will have one opportunity to speak for up to 5 minutes on topics germane to City business.)
Council Packet Link | |
Meeting Date | 08/05/19 |
