Monday night's council meeting will include the third reading of the "Limited Window" fireworks ordinance (Item #8), several routine capital loan notes (Items 4, 5, and 6), the city's new Fee Schedule (Item #14) and Payroll Resolution (Item 15). Several community betterment grants are also on the agenda.
Prior to this meeting, starting at 5:20 the council Standing Committees will meet for a training session with the Ahlers & Cooney law firm (which conducts this kind of training with councils across the state) and then an update from Grow Cedar Valley, and finally FY23 Cash Management report to learn about the city's current cashflow status.
I hope you can join us in-person at the Community Center, online via channel 15, or livestreaming on YouTube. And thanks as always for doing the work to be an informed and engaged resident.
Call to Order by the Mayor
Roll Call
Approval of Minutes
1. Regular meeting of May 16, 2022.
Agenda Revisions
Special Presentations
2. Proclamation recognizing June 6-12, 2022 as Iowa Museum Week.
3. Proclamation recognizing June 19, 2022 as Juneteenth.
Public Forum. (Speakers will have one opportunity to speak for up to 5 minutes on topics germane to City business.)
Special Order of Business
4. Public hearing on the authorization of a Loan Agreement and issuance of not to exceed $3,200,000 General Obligation Capital Loan Notes for essential corporate purposes (ECP). This $3.2M bond would finance street construction projects, slope repair, and firefighting ensembles.
a) Receive and file proof of publication of notice of hearing. (Notice published May 20, 2022)
b) Written communications filed with the City Clerk.
c) Staff comments
d) Public comments.
e) Resolution instituting proceedings to take additional action for the issuance of not to exceed $3,200,000 General Obligation Capital Loan Notes for essential corporate purposes (ECP).
5. Public hearing on the authorization of a Loan Agreement and issuance of not to exceed $600,000 General Obligation Capital Loan Notes for general corporate purposes (GCP-1). The $600K bond would fund security cameras, a new financial system software, and amenities as part of street repair.
a) Receive and file proof of publication of notice of hearing. (Notice published May 20, 2022)
b) Written communications filed with the City Clerk.
c) Staff comments.
d) Public comments.
e) Resolution instituting proceedings to take additional action for the issuance of not to exceed $600,000 General Obligation Capital Loan Notes for general corporate purposes (GCP-1).
6. Public hearing on the authorization of a Loan Agreement and issuance of not to exceed $700,000 General Obligation Capital Loan Notes for general corporate purposes (GCP-2). The $700K bond would help fund the Cedar River Recreation Project.
a) Receive and file proof of publication of notice of hearing. (Notice published May 20, 2022)
b) Written communications filed with the City Clerk.
c) Staff comments.
d) Public comments.
e) Resolution instituting proceedings to take additional action for the issuance of not to exceed $700,000 General Obligation Capital Loan Notes for general corporate purposes (GCP-2).
7. Public hearing on proposed plans, specifications, form of contract & estimate of cost for the Center Street Corridor Streetscape Project. This approval for the 1.13M project would allow the city to begin soliciting bids for this work to improve Center Street in North Cedar.
a) Receive and file proof of publication of notice of hearing. (Notice published May 20, 2022)
b) Written communications filed with the City Clerk.
c) Staff comments.
d) Public comments.
e) Resolution approving the plans, specifications, form of contract & estimate of cost for the Center Street Corridor Streetscape Project.
Old Business
8. Pass Ordinance #3011, amending Chapter 16, Offenses and Miscellaneous Provisions, of the Code of Ordinances relative to the use and explosion of consumer fireworks within the city limits, upon its third & final consideration. This is the final reading of the Fireworks limited window ordinance. If approved on Monday night, it will become law. City staff will start the educational and media campaign about the three-day window (July 3, 4, and 5) for allowable use.
9. Pass Ordinance #3012, amending Chapter 24, Utilities, of the Code of Ordinances, relative to storm water rates, upon its second consideration. This item has been available for deliberation in previous council meetings. It will need one more reading on 6/20 in order to be enacted, if it passes this evening.
Consent Calendar: (The following items will be acted upon by voice vote on a single motion without separate discussion, unless someone from the Council or public requests that a specific item be considered separately.)
10. Receive and file the City Council Community Relations & Planning Committee minutes of May 16, 2022 relative to the following items: This simply adds these minutes to the official record as an accurate reflection of what transpired in the meeting.
a) Resilience Plan – Final Report.
b) River Placemaking Proposal & Destination Iowa Grant Opportunities.
11. Receive and file Departmental Monthly Reports of April 2022. These departmental monthly reports are an excellent way to keep tabs on the great work happening in the city by staff and civic volunteers.
12. Approve the following applications for cigarette/tobacco/nicotine/vapor permits: The City Council is the approving authority for all tobacco permits.
a) B&B West, 3105 Hudson Road.
b) Bani's, 2128 College Street.
c) Cypress Lounge, 209 State Street Suite A.
d) Dollar General Store, 2921 Center Street.
e) Dollar General Store, 1922 Valley Park Drive.
f) Fareway, 4500 South Main Street.
g) Fareway, 214 North Magnolia Drive.
h) Greenleaf Tobacco & Vapor, 5901 University Avenue.
i) King Star, 2228 Lincoln Street.
j) Metro Mart, 103 Franklin Street.
k) Panther Travel Center, 1525 West Ridgeway Avenue.
l) Suds, 2223 1/2 College Street.
m) Walgreens, 2509 Whitetail Drive.
13. Approve the following applications for beer permits and liquor licenses: The City Council is the approving authority for all alcohol permits.
a) Kwik Star, 7500 Nordic Drive, Class C beer & Class B wine – renewal.
b) Ari’z, 6301 University Avenue, Class C liquor – renewal.
c) Famous Dave's, 6222 University Avenue, Class C liquor -renewal.
d) Harry's Five and Dime, 123 Main Street, Class C liquor - renewal.
e) Los Cabos Mexican Restaurant, 112-114 Main Street, Class C liquor & outdoor service - renewal.
f) Mulligan's Brick Oven Grill & Pub, 205 East 18th Street, Class C liquor & outdoor service - renewal.
g) Casey's General Store, 5908 Nordic Drive, Class E liquor - renewal.
h) Mini-mart, 1420 West 1st Street, Class E liquor – renewal.
i) Prime Mart, 2323 Main Street, Class E liquor - renewal.
j) Target, 214 Viking Plaza Drive, Class E liquor – change in ownership.
k) Sturgis Falls Celebration, Gateway Park, Class B beer & outdoor service - 5-day permit.
Resolution Calendar: (The following items will be acted upon by roll call vote on a single motion without separate discussion, unless someone from the Council or public requests that a specific item be considered separately.)
14. Resolution approving and adopting the City’s FY2023 Fee Schedule. This updates the fees that the city charges for various services. Of note, this year's version includes a flat $200 charge for picking up bulk items if Public Works wasn't called ahead of time.
15. Resolution approving and adopting a revised job classification for the position of Public Works & Parks Supervisor. This updates the description for this position to include additional responsibilities. Council is the approving authority for all job classifications.
16. Resolution approving and adopting the FY2023 Payroll Resolution. This item shows the pay rates for every city employee, and is brought forward for Council approval each June.
17. Resolution approving and accepting a Quit Claim Deed, in conjunction with the 1985 transfer of jurisdiction of University Avenue (f/n/a U.S. Highway 57), from the west City limits to Hudson Road. This is a minor administrative approval to correct an oversight with the transfer of the hold Highway 57 to the city.
18. Resolution approving and accepting a Quit Claim Deed, in conjunction with the 1986 transfer of jurisdiction of Hudson Road (f/n/a U.S. Highway 57), from University Avenue to West 1st Street. Same as Item #17.
19. Resolution approving and accepting a Settlement Agreement, Agreement Regarding Driveway Approach to Ashworth Drive, Purchase and Sale Agreement, Warranty Deed, Public Utility Easement and Temporary Construction Easement Agreement, and approving the Form of the Termination Agreement for Easement and Release of Right-of-Way Easement, all in conjunction with the Ashworth Drive Extension Project. The council's approval of this agreement would allow for the Ashworth Drive connection project to proceed, in order to help alleviate traffic along Erik Road.
20. Resolution designating the dates and locations for the annual Sturgis Falls Celebration and Cedar Basin Music Festival. This notification and approval is required in order to limit the access of animals to the described areas.
21. Resolution approving and authorizing execution of an Agreement for Lease of Artwork with Amelia Gotera relative to placement of a sculpture at 311 Main Street. This $1000 lease would allow the city to display the artist's work downtown, and to possibly purchase it later on.
22. Resolution approving a revised preliminary plat of West Fork Crossing. This item modifies the originally-approved preliminary plat, so that the properties are more evenly sized and better conforming to the terrain.
23. Resolution approving and authorizing execution of an Agreement in Support of the Cedar Falls Historical Society relative to an FY2023 Community Betterment Grant. This $6500 grant is for the repair of the roof of the Behrens-Rapp Gas Station.
24. Resolution approving and authorizing execution of an Agreement in Support of the Cedar Valley Soccer Club relative to an FY2023 Community Betterment Grant. This $5,750 grant is to help with the cost of inclusive playground equipment at the soccer complex. I had concerns about whether a public benefit existed for Cedar Falls residents, and Jennifer Pickar at Visitors & Tourism explained to me that this is a very well-used facility for regional soccer events, and that a well-appointed facility attracts new events, and therefore visitors who stay overnight in Cedar Falls.
25. Resolution approving and authorizing execution of an Agreement in Support of the College Hill Partnership relative to an FY2023 Community Betterment Grant. This $2,250 grant will provide new seating in Petterson Plaza on College Hill.
26. Resolution approving and authorizing execution of an Agreement in Support of Grow Cedar Valley relative to an FY2023 Community Betterment Grant. This grant will provide $4500 for a mural to be constructed on an underpass in Cedar Falls. I will ask about the targeted location.
27. Resolution approving and authorizing execution of an Agreement in Support of the Volunteer Center of Cedar Valley relative to an FY2023 Community Betterment Grant. This $2,000 grant will be used to plan and manage a city employee volunteerism program. I have concerns about what all will be included for this $2K. If it's money being spent to motivate city employees, is it really volunteerism? I'll want to know more, and will provide the answers to the City Council for their consideration.
28. Resolution approving and authorizing execution of an Agreement in Support of the Waterloo-Cedar Falls Symphony relative to an FY2023 Community Betterment Grant. This $3000 grant will be used for programming in concert halls and classrooms; the focus will be on the history of African American music, which will be an excellent cultural addition to our community.
29. Resolution approving an amendment to the Pinnacle Prairie Master Plan, amending the use of Lot 16 and Lots 21 thru 31 in the Pinnacle Business Center North Subdivision from Mixed Use and Multi-Family to Western Home. This approval would allow a northern segment of the Pinnacle Prairie Master Plan to be used by Western Home Communities for new senior housing. My only concern is the farthest-northwest property's proximity to the truck stop-sized Kwik Star, but no concerns for the use of that space overall.
30. Resolution approving and authorizing execution of an Owner Purchase Agreement, and approving and accepting a Temporary Construction Easement, in conjunction with the Center Street Corridor Streetscape Project. This agreement is needed as part of the construction plan for the Center Street Corridor.
31. Resolution approving and authorizing execution of Supplemental Agreement No. 4 to the Professional Service Agreement with Snyder & Associates, Inc. for engineering services relative to the Cedar Heights Drive Reconstruction Project. This agreement allows up to $305K for the contractor to serve as the Project Engineer for this $3.4M project.
32. Resolution approving the Certificate of Completion and accepting the work of Peterson Contractors, Inc. for the 2020 Street Construction project, and approving and authorizing the transfer of funds from the Street Construction Fund, GO 2020 and Sanitary Sewer Rental Fund to the Street Repair Fund (LOST). This allows the project to be closed out and the contractor to be paid for the final work.
33. Resolution approving and accepting the contract and bond of Owen Contracting, Inc. for the 2022 Alley Reconstruction Project. This approval allows the contractor to proceed with alley reconstruction for the agreed-upon price.
34. Resolution approving and authorizing execution of a Storm Water Maintenance and Repair Agreement with Dupaco Community Credit Union relative to a post-construction stormwater management plan for 126 Brandilynn Boulevard. This is a standard agreement required for properly disposing of the stormwater that will collect on & runoff the property once construction is complete.
35. Resolution receiving and filing, and setting June 20, 2022 as the date of public hearing on the proposed plans, specifications, form of contract & estimate of cost for the 2022 University Avenue Biocell Project. No concerns about the hearing date.
36. Resolution receiving and filing, and setting June 20, 2022 as the date of public hearing on the proposed plans, specifications, form of contract & estimate of cost for the 2022 Seal Coat Project. No concerns about the hearing date.
Allow Bills and Claims
37. Allow Bills and Claims for June 6, 2022. The council is the approving authority for all bills and claims made against the city since the previous council meeting.
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Meeting Date | 06/06/22 |
