Big items for Monday night are the go-ahead for a recreational trail in North Cedar from Cottage Row to Lone Tree Road, the giving of city-owned property in the Industrial Parks to private businesses, the creation of a new Tax Increment Financing (TIF) District in the Southern Cedar Falls Industrial Park, and the issuing of new GO bonds. We're also voting on the River Place Item G.2.v), and Budget Amendments (E.15). All this and more, May 7th at City Hall starting at 7pm. Join us in person or on Channel 15.
A. Call to Order by the Mayor.
B. Roll Call.
C. Approval of Minutes of the Regular Meeting of April 16, 2018.
D. Agenda Revisions.
E. Special Order of Business:
1. Public hearing on the proposed plans, specifications, form of contract & estimate of cost for the Center Street Recreational Trail Project. The link doesn't include the actual plans; I always like seeing what things look like, so I'll stop by the city clerk's office early. I'll also ask about getting rough schematics into the packet so that everybody can see them.
a. Receive and file proof of publication of notice of hearing. (Notice published April 20, 2018)
b. Written objections filed with the City Clerk.
c. Oral comments.
2. Resolution approving and adopting the plans, specifications, form of contract & estimate of cost for the Center Street Recreational Trail Project.
3. Public hearing on a proposed Agreement for Private Development and conveyance of certain city-owned real estate to CRMS, L.L.C. The City staff is recommending the transfer of property to CRMS. I do have concerns about why we just give land away sometimes, and other times we sell it. What's our litmus test here?
a. Receive and file proof of publication of notice of hearing. (Notice published April 20, 2018)
b. Written objections filed with the City Clerk.
c. Oral comments.
4. Resolution approving and authorizing execution of an Agreement for Private Development and a Minimum Assessment Agreement with CRMS, L.L.C., and approving and authorizing execution of a Quit Claim Deed conveying title to certain real estate to CRMS, L.L.C.
5. Public hearing on a proposed Agreement for Private Development and conveyance of certain city-owned real estate to FN Investors, L.L.C. Another potential transfer of land.
a. Receive and file proof of publication of notice of hearing. (Notice published April 20, 2018)
b. Written objections filed with the City Clerk.
c. Oral comments.
6. Resolution approving and authorizing execution of an Agreement for Private Development and a Minimum Assessment Agreement with FN Investors, L.L.C., and approving and authorizing execution of a Quit Claim Deed conveying title to certain real estate to FN Investors, L.L.C.
7. Public hearing on a proposed Agreement for Private Development and conveyance of certain city-owned real estate to Schuerman Construction, Inc. Another potential transfer of land.
a. Receive and file proof of publication of notice of hearing. (Notice published April 20, 2018)
b. Written objections filed with the City Clerk.
c. Oral comments.
8. Resolution approving and authorizing execution of an Agreement for Private Development and a Minimum Assessment Agreement with Schuerman Construction, Inc., and approving and authorizing execution of a Quit Claim Deed conveying title to certain real estate to Schuerman Construction, Inc.
9. Public hearing on the proposed Amendment No. 4 to the Cedar Falls Unified Highway 58 Corridor Urban Renewal Plan. APage 58 in this linked document shows what appears to be the northern lanes of Viking Road in front of WalMart being added to the Unified TIF District. My understanding is that the intent of the Unified TIF District was to promote the development of the Cedar Falls Northern and Southern Industrial Parks, and the corridor connecting them. I'm not thrilled with the idea of using the TIF District as a means to fund other infrastructure projects which are tangential to our industrial parks. Sure, I can understand funding Viking/58 with TIF money because it impacts the industrial parks...but not eastern Viking Road, and certainly not the Highway 58 on/off ramps at University Avenue. That's not an appropriate use of those funds, becuase it doesn't impact the industrial parks.
a. Receive and file proof of publication of notice of hearing. (Notice published April 26, 2018)
b. Written objections filed with the City Clerk.
c. Oral comments.
10. Resolution determining an area of the City to be an economic development area, and that the rehabilitation, conservation, redevelopment, development or a combination thereof, of such area is necessary in the interest of the public health, safety or welfare of the residents of the City; designating such area as appropriate for urban renewal projects; and adopting Amendment No. 4 to the Cedar Falls Unified Highway 58 Corridor Urban Renewal Plan. More connected to the TIF.
11. Pass an ordinance providing that general property taxes levied and collected each year on all property located within the amended Cedar Falls Unified Highway 58 Corridor Urban Renewal Area, in the City of Cedar Falls, by and for the benefit of the State of Iowa, City of Cedar Falls, County of Black Hawk, Cedar Falls Community School District, Hudson Community School District, and other taxing districts, be paid to a special fund for payment of principal and interest on loans, monies advanced to and indebtedness, including bonds issued or to be issued, incurred by the city in connection with the amended Cedar Falls Unified Highway 58 Corridor Urban Renewal Area (Amendment No. 4 to the Cedar Falls Unified Highway 58 Corridor Urban Renewal Plan), upon its first consideration. More connected to the TIF.
12. Public hearing on a proposed plan for the proposed South Cedar Falls Urban Renewal Area. This would be a brand-new TIF district to support the creation of infrastructure (roads, water, sewer) for properties at near the corner of Hudson & Ridgeway. I would love to hear some debate on this at the Council Meeting.
a. Receive and file proof of publication of notice of hearing. (Notice published April 26, 2018)
b. Written objections filed with the City Clerk
c. Oral comments.
13. Resolution determining an area of the City to be an economic development area, and that the rehabilitation, conservation, redevelopment, development or a combination thereof, of such area is necessary in the interest of the public health, safety or welfare of the residents of the City; designating such area as appropriate for urban renewal projects; and adopting the South Cedar Falls Urban Renewal Plan. More connected to this proposed new TIF district.
14. Pass an ordinance providing that general property taxes levied and collected each year on all property located within the South Cedar Falls Urban Renewal Area in the City of Cedar Falls, County of Black Hawk, State of Iowa, by and for the benefit of the State of Iowa, City of Cedar Falls, County of Black Hawk, Cedar Falls Community School District, Hudson Community School District, and other taxing districts, be paid to a special fund for payment of principal and interest on loans, monies advanced to and indebtedness, including bonds issued or to be issued, incurred by the City in connection with the South Cedar Falls Urban Renewal Area, upon its first consideration. More connected to this proposed new TIF district.
15. Public hearing on proposed amendments to the City’s FY18 Budget. There's some changes to our projected funding levels, so the budget is being adjusted accordingly.
a. Receive and file proof of publication of notice of hearing. (Notice published April 20, 2018)
b. Written objections filed with the City Clerk.
c. Oral comments.
16. Resolution approving and adopting amendments to the City’s FY18 Budget.
17. Public hearing on the proposed issuance of not to exceed $5,800,000.00 General Obligation Bonds (for Essential Corporate Purposes). What I don't see in this memo is what the $5.8M is actually being raised for. I'll ask.
a. Receive and file proof of publication of notice of hearing. (Notice published April 20, 2018)
b. Written objections filed with the City Clerk.
c. Oral comments.
18. Resolution instituting proceedings to take additional action for the issuance of not to exceed $5,800,000.00 General Obligation Bonds (for Essential Corporate Purposes).
19. Public hearing on the proposed issuance of not to exceed $550,000.00 General Obligation Bonds (for a General Corporate Purpose). Same as above; not sure yet why we have to raise this. I'm also curious: are these ever voted down, and if so, why?
a. Receive and file proof of publication of notice of hearing. (Notice published April 20, 2018)
b. Written objections filed with the City Clerk.
c. Oral comments.
20. Resolution instituting proceedings to take additional action for the issuance of not to exceed $550,000.00 General Obligation Bonds (for a General Corporate Purpose).
21.Public hearing on the proposed issuance of not to exceed $350,000.00 General Obligation Bonds (for General Corporate Purposes). Same as above; I'm also curious why we have to vote for three separate bond issues, rather than just one bigger one.
a. Receive and file proof of publication of notice of hearing. (Notice published April 20, 2018)
b. Written objections filed with the City Clerk.
c. Oral comments.
22. Resolution instituting proceedings to take additional action for the issuance of not to exceed $350,000.00 General Obligation Bonds (for General Corporate Purposes).
F. Old Business:
1. Pass Ordinance #2922, amending Chapter 29, Zoning, of the Code of Ordinances relative to removal of familial terminology to be in conformance with the Code of Iowa, upon its third & final consideration. This change is required by state law.
G. New Business:
1. Consent Calendar: (The following items will be acted upon by voice vote on a single motion without separate discussion, unless someone from the Council or public requests that a specific item be considered separately.)
(1) Sewer Rate Study.
(2) Stormwater Rate Study.
(3) Highway 58/Viking Road Update.
(4) Bills & Payroll.
c. Receive and file the City Council Work Session minutes of April 30, 2018. This is worth reading; we had a work session about Complete Streets, and basically the result of it was "stay the course".
d. Receive and file the City Council Goal Setting Report of November 13, 2017 and November 15, 2017, and Organizational Effectiveness Report of March 26, 2018. Also worth reading, if you're interested in the deliberations of council. I was particularly interested to read the councilor surveys of what they believe is going well and not going well in Council and from the perceptions of residents.
e. Receive and file Departmental Monthly Reports of March 2018. Learn what city staff has been up to in March...
f. Receive and file the Bi-Annual Report of College Hill Partnership relative to FY18 Self-Supported Municipal Improvement District (SSMID) Funds and an FY18 Economic Development Grant. CHP is required to report on their activities for the last year as part of their grant process.
g. Receive and file the FY18 Report of Mill Race Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation relative to an FY18 Economic Development Grant. No concerns.
h. Receive and file the bids received for the 2018 Permeable Alley Project. These alleys run about $70-$80K each, and the goal is to convert all 150-ish alleys in the original neighborhoods to permeable in the coming decades. I'm continually interested to know if they're doing what we expect them to do, and will be following the data to see if these are worthwhile for improving our stormwater drainage quality.
i. Receive and file the bids received for the Campus Street Box Culvert Project. No concerns.
k. Approve a request for temporary signs for the College Hill Arts Festival, June 12-17, 2018. No concerns.
l. Approve the following applications for cigarette/tobacco/nicotine/vapor permits: No concerns.
(1) Fareway Stores, 214 North Magnolia Drive.
(2) Happy's Wine & Spirits, 5925 University Avenue.
(3) Hy-Vee Food Store, 6301 University Avenue.
(4) Hy-Vee Gas, 6527 University Avenue.
(5) King Star, 2228 Lincoln Street.
(6) Metro Mart, 103 Franklin Street.
(7) Music Station, 1420 West 1st Street.
(8) Prime Mart, 2323 Main Street.
(9) The Landmark, 107 Main Street.
(10) Wal-Mart, 525 Brandilynn Boulevard.
m. Approve the following applications for beer permits and liquor licenses: No concerns.
(1) Tobacco Outlet Plus, 4116 University Avenue, Class C beer - renewal.
(2) Hy-Vee Clubroom, 6301 University Avenue, Special Class C liquor - renewal.
(3) Berk's Main Street Pub, 207 Main Street, Class C liquor - renewal.
(4) Suds & Suds Circle Pizza, 2223 1/2 College Street, Class C liquor & outdoor service - renewal.
(5) Sturgis Falls Celebration, Island Park Beach House, Class B beer & outdoor service - 5-day permit.
(6) Sturgis Falls Celebration, Gateway Park, Special Class C liquor & outdoor service - 5-day permit.
2. Resolution Calendar: (The following items will be acted upon by roll call vote on a single motion without separate discussion, unless someone from the Council or public requests that a specific item be considered separately.)
a. Resolution approving and adopting the FY19 City Council Goals & Objectives. These goals and objectives aren't binding, per se, because as councilors we can still vote for or against specific projects here. I attended the November goal setting session despite being in run-off mode. In fure goal setting sessions I'll be a lot more involved, and wish to see some changes to the format of this document in order to make it more accessible to residents.
d. Resolution approving and authorizing the purchase of a wide area mower from Deike Implement. No concerns.
e. Resolution approving and authorizing execution of a Contract with Laser Line Striping relative to 2018 pavement marking services.No concerns.
k. Resolution approving and accepting a Permanent Utility Easement, in conjunction with the Highway 58 & Viking Road Project. No concerns.
m. Resolution approving and accepting completion of public improvements in Wild Horse Third Addition. No concerns.
s. Resolution approving and authorizing execution of a Professional Service Agreement with Snyder & Associates, Inc. relative to the Greenhill Road Traffic Study. This is an important project for the future of this corridor; it's worth readying for understanding the scope of this study. I'll be following it very closely, and am especially interested to see what this study doesn't cover.
t. Resolution approving and authorizing execution of a lease with Community Main Street Inc. relative to relocating an office building for Community Main Street. No will definitely be a sight to see, when this building is transported to its new location.
v. Resolution approving the preliminary plat of River Place 4th Addition. I need to spend more time on Monday looking over this plat, just to ensure I understand everything it covers.
w. Resolution approving the final plat of River Place 4th Addition.
x. Resolution approving an amendment to the Central Business District Overlay Zoning District site plan relative to an MU2 development in the 100 block of East 2nd Street. No concerns at thsi time.
y. Resolution approving and authorizing submission of a High Quality Jobs Program Business Financial Assistance Application to the Iowa Economic Development Authority on behalf of Baird Mounting Systems/Threads. I don't believe that this commits any funding at the city level, but simply is the City's endorsement for their request. This is my first time seeing one of these, and I don't have any concerns about it at this time.
3. Pass an ordinance amending Chapter 27, Utilities, of the Code of Ordinances, relative to sanitary sewer rates, upon its first consideration. We discussed this in Committee of the Whole, and the rationale makes sense. No concerns.
4. Pass an ordinance amending Chapter 27, Utilities, of the Code of Ordinances, relative to storm water management rates, upon its first consideration. We discussed this in Committee of the Whole, and the rationale makes sense. No concerns.
H. Allow Bills and Payroll.
I. City Council Referrals. No referrals.
J. City Council Updates. No updates.
K. Executive Session to discuss Property Acquisition per Iowa Code Section 21.5(1)(j) to discuss the purchase or sale of particular real estate only where premature disclosure could be reasonably expected to increase the price the governmental body would have to pay for that property or reduce the price the governmental body would receive for that property, following Public Forum.
L. Public Forum. (Speakers will have one opportunity to speak for up to 5 minutes on topics germane to City business.)
M. Adjournment.
Meeting Date | 05/05/18 |
