A. Call to Order by the Mayor.
B. Roll Call.
C. Approval of Minutes of the Regular Meeting of January 2, 2018.
D. Agenda Revisions.
E. Special Order of Business:
1. Public hearing on the proposed FY2018-FY2023 Capital Improvements Program (CIP). This large document shows the city's planned major expenditures over the next five years. Headline-worthy items like the Viking/58 Intersection Project ($32.1M) and Public Safety Building ($11M) are on here, but also many, many smaller purchases like a new circulation desk for the public library ($18K) and new bus shelters ($45K) are also included.
a. Receive and file proof of publication of notice of hearing. (Notice published January 3, 2018) Just puts in the record that the hearing was scheduled and announced, per state law.
b. Written objections filed with the City Clerk. Any letters or other written documentation is noted prior to oral comments.
c. Oral comments. The public (officially, "citizens", which means residents of Cedar Falls) can come to the podium and address the CIP's adoption for up to five minutes.
2. Resolution approving and adopting the FY2018-FY2023 Capital Improvements Program (CIP). The seven members vote to approve and adopt; four Ayes are required. As I understand it, this plan is not binding in its own right; individual projects are still voted on by Council, as was done for the Public Safety Building. So I need to learn more about what value and purpose our vote has.
3. Resolution declaring an official intent under Treasury Regulation 1.150-2 to issue debt to reimburse the City for certain original expenditures paid in connection with specified projects. Reading through the documentation, I see no reason to vote against it.
F. New Business:
1. Consent Calendar: (The following items will be acted upon by voice vote on a single motion without separate discussion, unless someone from the Council or public requests that a specific item be considered separately.)
a. Receive and file the plans, specifications, form of contract & estimate of cost for the 2018 Street Construction Project. This annual expenditure for street repair and maintenance is estimated at $4.8M and is funded primarily through Local Option Sales Tax (LOST). It's an essential service provided by the city, and I have no objections. The next step will be for a public hearing and bids.
b. Receive and file the plans, specifications, form of contract & estimate of cost for the Highway 58 & Viking Road Project. This busy intersection is great need of upgrade (to include an underpass) and will be primarily funded by the State of Iowa. As agreed, any project cost overruns will be borne by the State. The council will have a role to play in the final design, but I'm not sure if we'll be offered several options to choose from.
c. Approve the following applications for liquor licenses:
(1) Fraternal Order of Eagles, 2125 West Lone Tree Road, Class C liquor & outdoor service - renewal.
(2) Panther Lounge, 210 East 18th Street, Class C liquor - renewal.
(3) Hillstreet News & Tobacco, 2217 College Street, Class E liquor - renewal.
2. Resolution Calendar: (The following items will be acted upon by roll call vote on a single motion without separate discussion, unless someone from the Council or public requests that a specific item be considered separately.)
a. Resolution deleting the pay for two employees in the position of PT-Community Service Officer II in the Police Operations Division.
b. Resolution deleting the pay for an employee in the position of PT-Assistant Equipment Mechanic in the Public Works & Parks Division.
c. Resolution establishing the pay for a new employee hired in the position of PT-Fitness Coordinator in the Recreation & Community Programs Division.
d. Resolution establishing the pay for an employee reclassified to the position of Maintenance Worker in the Public Works & Parks Division.
e. Resolution approving and authorizing Engagement with PFM Financial Advisors LLC to perform financial advisory services.
f. Resolution approving and authorizing execution of an Employee Assistance Services Agreement with Covenant Medical Center, Inc. d/b/a Covenant Clinic EAP relative to the Employee Assistance Program. EAP is an important service for initial counseling and screening, and overall employee well-being. We're switching from a flat annual fee to a 'per call' payment, with a total upper cap per employee of 20 sessions per year. The agreement states that more sessions than 20 may be authorized, but doesn't note who grants the approval for that. I'd like that clarified.
g. Resolution approving and authorizing execution of a Professional Service Agreement with Kucera International, Inc. for digital aerial imagery services relative to the 2018 Aerial Mapping Project. This $44K project will create precise aerial projections (including elevations) that the city needs to carry out its responsibilities; UNI will chip in $6K since it can also use the campus portions of the imagery. I'm interested to know if other groups can also cost-share or pay the city for the use of the maps (whether state or private industry). Finally, can the public or service agencies (Red Cross, Salvation Army, etc) easily access this imagery for other uses? If not, would it make sense and be possible to allow it?
h. Resolution approving and authorizing the purchase of a video production vehicle from Gerling and Associates, Inc. relative to cable television production activities.
i. Resolution approving a revised concept of adding pickle ball courts at Orchard Hill Park, as recommended by the Parks & Recreation Commission. This plan keeps the tennis courts, as was requested by neighboring residents, and puts new pickleball courts in the footprint of the existing basketball court. Total cost of the project (#158 in the CIP) is listed as $150K, with costs split evenly between city, private donations, and a gaming grant. I'd like to know what this means for the existing tennis courts, which are described in the CIP as being "in disrepair, beyond resurfacing." Also, what will the plan be for the basketball court? Will it be rebuilt elsewhere?
j. Resolution approving and authorizing execution of a contract for Asphalt Shingle Grinding Services with J. Pettiecord, Inc. relative to asphalt shingle recycling. I'd wondered what happened to all the shingles that get dumped at the transfer station....now I know. This contract pays this company to grind up about 2,100 tons of shingles, and the City will then sell the resulting material to Aspro for a net gain of about $59K.
k. Resolution approving and authorizing execution of an Agreement for Painting Services with Mongon Painting Co., Inc. relative to the Water Reclamation Primary Clarifier Painting Project.
l. Resolution approving and authorizing execution of sixteen Releases of Temporary Easements, in conjunction with the 2016 Street Reconstruction Project, 1622/1710 Mandalay Drive Slope Repair Project and Dry Run Creek Watershed Improvement Project. I learned this month that "easements" are temporary legal authorizations for a group (or the city) to work on private property, for a specific period of time and purpose.
m. Resolution approving and adopting the plans, specifications & estimate of cost for the Highway 58 & Viking Road Project. This is a really big-ticket item, and one we should all be following closely. It's #82 in the CIP, and about $32M ($20M from the State, and $11M from the City). Because the project is being managed by the Iowa Department of Transportation, I'd like to know what City Council is actually approving with this resolution.
n. Resolution approving and authorizing execution of a Grant-in-Aid Agreement with the State Historical Society of Iowa relative to a Certified Local Government Grant Project for nomination of the Wild Historic District to the National Register of Historic Places. This effort is intended to create a new "Wild Historic District" made up of three homes along 1st Street. I know these properties have some valid concerns regarding the 1st Street Reconstruction Project, and I will need to learn more about how this new National Register of Historic Places designation will affect those properties and city projects.
o. Resolution approving and authorizing execution of a Grant-in-Aid Agreement with the State Historical Society of Iowa relative to a Certified Local Government Grant Project for scholarships to attend the National Historic Preservation Caucus - FORUM 2018.
p. Resolution approving a Central Business District Overlay Zoning District site plan for signage at 115 East 4th Street.
q. Resolution approving a College Hill Neighborhood Overlay Zoning District site plan for installation of a drive-through at 2128 College Street. This approval for Bani's on College Hill would allow them to add a drive through on the north wall of their building, and also includes a paving a new pad to hide their dumpsters better from public view. I've not heard any objections or concerns regarding this change.
r. Resolution approving the University Avenue/Highway 58 Interchange Reconstruction Project in the Cedar Falls Unified Highway 58 Corridor Urban Renewal Area. City Council approved this project last December, and Peterson was awarded the contract for the project, for $3.5M. So I need to find out why this additional resolution is required. What approval is still needed? Also, the not-to-exceed cost of the project is $8M, so I need to find out what remaining large costs can be expected in order to complete this interchange work. Also, is total already included as part of the overall $38M project (CIP #89)?
s. Resolution setting February 5, 2018 as the date of public hearing on the proposed plans, specifications, form of contract & estimate of cost for the 2018 Street Construction Project.
t. Resolution setting February 5, 2018 as the date of public hearing on a proposal to undertake a public improvement for the West 1st Street Reconstruction Project and to authorize acquisition of private property for said project. I've expressed my concerns in the past, with the newly rebuilt 1st Street serving as not just a highway, but a freeway through downtown Cedar Falls residential areas. I'm following the project closely, but don't see how at this point we can avoid a freeway aesthetic that looks like Waterloo Road.
3. Pass an ordinance amending Chapter 26, Traffic and Motor Vehicles, of the Code of Ordinances relative to changing the speed limit on University Avenue from Hudson Road to the east city limits from 45 miles per hour to 35 miles per hour, upon its first consideration. This ordinance change appears to be simple housekeeping; the posted speed limit along University Avenue is now 35 MPH, down from its original 45 MPH. Assuming the City Council had previously approved the speed change as part of the design approvals, i have no concerns regarding this ordinance change.
G. Allow Bills and Payroll.
H. City Council Referrals.
I. City Council Updates.
J. Public Forum. (Speakers will have one opportunity to speak for up to 5 minutes on topics germane to City business.)
K. Adjournment.
Council Packet Link | |
Meeting Date | 01/15/18 |
