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City Council Voting -- Twenty Questions

Fri, 02/16/2018 - 08:38 -- robgreen
Questions Image

When making any decision, it helps to have some underlying criteria.  I thought it would be helpful to create and share a list of my own questions for making decisions on City Council.   Here are the twenty questions I've come up with so far, in a rough order of priority.   

  1. What’s the “letter of the law” -- the specific legal language in this decision?
  2. What’s the underlying “spirit of the law” -- the general civic principles in this decision?
  3. What are the moral and ethical considerations for this decision?
  4. How does my vote correspond to my overall views of the proper role of government?
  5. What are the general sentiments of Cedar Falls residents about this decision?
  6. What are the viewpoints and interests of the various stakeholders?
  7. Why is this decision needed, and what problem does it seek to solve?
  8. What facts are available in order to make an informed decision?
  9. What information gaps exist, which could hinder making an informed decision?
  10. Do I have enough information to make an informed decision?
  11. What precedents are set, if the decision passes?
  12. What is the 'fairness' of this decision for all concerned?
  13. What similar, recent decisions could help inform my vote?
  14. What can history (local or otherwise) tell me about this decision and its likely impacts?
  15. What are the short-term implications of this decision?  
  16. What are the long-term implications of this decision?  
  17. What are some key potential unintended consequences of this decision?
  18. How consistent is my vote with my voting history and past rationale?   
  19. Can this decision be easily reversed later (i.e. could this decision just be considered an experiment)?
  20. What are the opportunity costs for this decision (i.e. less funds available for other projects, land not available for other uses, etc.)?  


That's just twenty...what other questions should I be asking?   Which ones on this list do you think aren't necessary?   In some cases, am I asking the wrong questions?   Let me know in the comments!